Two APIs for your integration

Automate everything!

Two APIs for your integration

With the "Integration API" our platform is compatible with almost all BBB standard plugins in software such as Moodle, Ilias, Nextcloud or Wordpress.

Alternatively, you get deep and individual integration of all functions of our platform by using our "SystemAPI".


The BigBlueButton standard


You use a standard platform like Moodle, Ilias, Wordpess, Nextcloud, ...? Then you can connect your software to our platform with the existing BigBlueButton standard plugins.

Note: You are not a developer and just want to connect an external system such as Moodle to bbbserver? Then we have prepared a small guide for you using Moodle as an example. Click here


Want to go deeper?


With our SystemAPI you can programmatically control all functions on our platform. Create conferences and conference rooms, manage your user account, make settings or call up invoices and video conference recordings? - You are right here.

To make getting started as easy as possible, we have provided Postman documentation including a collection for you. You can get your API key in our system under the menu item "My Profile".