Platform improvements


We are constantly working on improving our platform.

  • Many small optimizations happen from day to day without notice. We only publish major changes here.
  • Updates to new BigBlueButton versions are not explicitly announced here. Also see our update strategy notes.
  • If we mention so called "premium features" on this page, this usually means that we introduced a new feature for a small amount of customers (which might aswell pay for this). If you are interested in getting a specific feature enabled, please contact our support team.


October 18, 2024

- Increase of the maximum possible participants per conference from 100 to up to 300 (for appropriately large subscription packages).

- The subscriptions of all customers who previously had more than 100 connections have been automatically adjusted for free and now benefit from this improvement.

October 16, 2024

- ‘Login with Google’ is now possible.
- ‘Login with Microsoft’ is now possible.
Both functions were built with data protection in mind: A warning message is displayed before forwarding to the external service. Name and e-mail are read once by us. No further data transfer takes place.

October 11, 2024

- Multilingualism of our user interface expanded (new languages: ES, FR and RU)
- User-defined data protection texts can now be stored in different languages
- Legal texts: A legal text (also multilingual) can now be stored, which must be confirmed by each participant with a checkbox before joining the conference.

October 10, 2024

- Conference audio messages are now adapted for multilingualism
- Welcome texts in conferences are now in the language of the conference organiser
- Telephone dialling now has support for multilingualism (languages: DE, EN)
- Provision of a separate dial-in number for participants from the USA

September 26, 2024

- Update of background systems and minor functional improvements.

September 10, 2024

- Update of background systems and minor functional improvements.

April 04, 2024

- New feature: Add a long test to the connection test: The network connection of a participant can be continuously tested over a longer period of time

March 27, 2024

- Improvement: Revised connection test for improved testing of the network connection between a participant's device and our video conferencing servers

February 06, 2024

- New feature: Custom domain for the administration interface and the join links to conferences

January 24, 2024

- Upgrade of the server infrastructure in our data center

September 22, 2023

- Update to new major version of BigBlueButton (version 2.7)

September 6, 2023

- New feature: Conference waiting page takes into account the time zone of the participant. The displayed date and time are automatically converted.
- New feature: Setting to which URL participants are forwarded after the conference

September 1, 2023

- New feature: Automatic upgrade when consumption increases. This feature is available for all subscriptions of 500 connections or more.

July 5, 2023

- Improvement: General imporvements to the integration API (added new parameters)

April 17, 2023

- New feature: Assign names to conference recordings.

March 8, 2023

- New feature: Activate participant documentation for conferences through the integration API.

January 16, 2023

- New feature: Direct videos integrated into bbbserver conference rooms via This allows you to record videos and then send them to other individuals.

October 11, 2022

- New feature: In the branding settings section you can upload images for the webcam virtual backgroud feature.
When a user shares his webcam, the user can choose to replace the background of the webcam picture with the uploaded images.

August 31, 2022

- New feature for user groups: Users can be created directly via the user management. Either one by one via a form or as a list that is uploaded.
- New feature: Administrators can disable streaming of conferences for the entire account.

August 24, 2022

- New feature: Users can be created directly via the user management. Either one by one via a form or as a list that is uploaded.
- New premium feature: access codes for conferences. This must be entered by each participant.
-  New premium feature: Custom access confirmations for conferences. These must be confirmed by each participant.

July 26, 2022

- Update to new major version of BigBlueButton (version 2.5)

July 07, 2022

- Participant documentation can be disabled for the entire account in customer settings.
- Adjustments to improve accessibility

April 28, 2022

- New premium feature: users can be assigned to user groups, including "group admin" feature, with which departments in large organizations can independently manage their users.
- Conference media feature can be deactivated via the customer settings.
- Conference recordings and recordings of attendance tracking can now be provided with a shorter deletion period than 30 days (standard according to the terms of use) in the customer settings.
- Data protection notice on the conference join page with optional text provided by the customer (can be changed in the branding settings)
- Text that appears when the conference is full is now customizable.

April 21, 2022

- Phone dialin: Anonymous callers will now have distinguishable names inside the conferences.
- Moderators are now able to rename all phone participants (press CTRL + Q inside the conference). This way phone participants will be shown with e.g. their real name instead of their phone number.
- Added possibility to enable specific features for specific customers only ("Premium features")
- Added premium feature: Encryption of conference recordings inside our platform storage
- Premium feature: telephone participants can now speak their name before joining the conference and are announced by it within the conference

March 21, 2022

We added permanent Phone-Dialin-Numbers for quick connect conferences.
Using them, you can sent phone dialin credentials to your users prior to the actual quick connect conferences.

March 09, 2022

Availablility of multi-factor authentification

January 06, 2022

Update to new main version of BigBlueButton (version 2.4) including detail improvements (e.g. new version of the recording player)

November 26, 2021

- New function: Extended serial appointment assistant Special serial appointment requirements can now be mapped using our extended assistant (external tool). If required, you can obtain more information from our support. Link to the assistant:

October 26, 2021

- New function: Participant documentation A detailed description of the participant documentation can be found here:

August 17, 2021

- New function: Improved payment processing Payments are now possible in more combinations of term, payment type, etc. Upgrades and downgrades can now be carried out more flexibly.

May 05, 2021

Update to new major version of BigBlueButton (version 2.3)

April 20, 2021

- New function: connection diagnostics for external participants A link can be created in the help area and sent to the participant. - New function: Personalized conference invitation links Personalized invitation links with predefined names can now also be created for conferences and quick conferences. If the link was then passed on without authorization, it quickly becomes clear who is responsible for this.

March 30, 2021

- New function: Streaming of conferences Conferences can now also be streamed directly to any streaming provider (German streaming platforms or Facebook, Youtube, Twitch, ...). A remote control is available with which pause images can be displayed or conference functions (show/hide chat, list of participants, ...) can be controlled in the stream image.

March 28, 2021

- New function: conference media You can upload video files (.mp4 format) or audio files (.mp3 format) directly to our platform to then play them in conferences.

March 14, 2021

- Improved recording conversion and download.

March 4, 2021

- Improved branding: Customers can now save their own background image for joining the conference.

February 27, 2021

- Customer administrator can now specify advanced conference settings centrally (default values). However, users can override these per individual conference.

February 25, 2021

- Better monitoring of the video conference server including automatic rebooking of a conference in the event of an error.

February 17, 2021

- Conference list now also visible for non-administrators (with less information) - Visibility of the conference list for non-administrators can be defined in the customer settings by the customer administrator.

February 16, 2021

- Extended conference settings can now also be set via SystemAPI. - Various other innovations in the SystemAPI.

February 09, 2021

- Response times of the IntegrationAPI with a high number of calls greatly improved.

February 08, 2021

- Advanced conference settings (permissions) can now be set when creating conferences.

January 23, 2021

- Extended conference overview for customer administrators. - Imported various detail improvements.

January 14, 2021

- All platform components are now completely redundant.

January 12, 2021

- Platform stability improved

January 07, 2021

- E-mail invitations: Multiple e-mail addresses can now be copied into the address field at once. - Various bug fixes on the platform

December 31, 2020

- Design changes to the platform interface (e.g. new font, revised control panels)

December 29, 2020

- Activation of a completely new hosting architecture for the entire platform surface (now fully clustered and automatically scaled to even better deal with peak loads from educational customers) - Improvement of platform security through security check

December 17, 2020

- Added more workarounds to improve connection finding on Apple devices. - Improvement of platform display on 4k devices

December 12, 2020

- Increase in idle capacities so that conferences are available without waiting even in times of peak loads.

December 09, 2020

- Accelerated connection negotiation before the echo test - Improved connectivity for IPv6 clients - Improved connectivity for Apple devices (workaround for bugs in Safari browser) - Improved IntegrationAPI functions (incl. workaround for LockSettingBug in BBB )

December 06, 2020

A detailed connectivity test is now available in the help area. Log into our platform, click "Help & Support" and then select "View connection diagnostics". The diagnosis can then be downloaded as a text report and sent to our support.

December 03, 2020

Changed termination behavior of conferences: - Conferences that are created via the user interface or the SystemAPI run for the entire specified conference duration. Even if the end button was clicked within the conference. The conference links can still be called up and the conference can be entered again. (Unchanged behavior) - In contrast to the aforementioned conferences, quick conferences and conferences created via IntegrationAPI end immediately if a moderator presses the end button within the conference.

IntegrationAPI improvements: -In the endMeetingCallback, the correct MeetingID is now appended. - Undocumented parameter "lockSettingsHideUserList" (Create-Call) is now supported.

November 30, 2020

- Now 100% IPv6-capable - The entire network stack was revised last weekend: - All of our servers now have their own 10GBit/s connection. - Full support of all system components (DNS, platform server, BBB server, TURN server, phone server) for IPv6.

November 25, 2020

Complete user management is now possible via API: - System API: As a customer admin, users can now be blocked and deleted via API. - System API: Users can not only be invited via a link, but also registered directly via the API (including sending a welcome email). It is now possible to implement complete user synchronization (automatic creation /deletion of users) via API.

November 24, 2020

- Conference names now also support the full Unicode character set - System API: Telephone dial-in data is now available via API - Customer admins can now appoint other users in the customer account as admins themselves or even delete them completely.

November 23, 2020

- Telephone access data are now available before the start of the conference. - Telephone numbers are now displayed more legibly in groups. - Breakout rooms now also support telephone dial-in.

November 20, 2020

- Registration process: no initial booking of the test package necessary. - Registration process: Requesting less data from users who only want to test. (Data economy) - Massive increase in the overall capacity of the platform.

November 19, 2020

- New phone prompts with better hints (e.g. press 0 for muting)

November 18, 2020

- IP ranges are now available for firewall releases. See documentation.

November 08, 2020

- Increased the upload limit for uploaded presentations to 50MB. - Improvements for some browsers (various Safari) when leaving conferences.

November 04, 2020

- Improvements to the SystemAPI and integrability of our platform.

November 03, 2020

- Fixed BBB issue #9667, which we actively helped to fix in the community.

October 19, 2020

- Decoupling the entire server infrastructure from the basic system, so that our system can now automatically use other servers in the event of system failures and, if necessary, even buy completely new servers. - Added support for multiple cloud providers (only affects large customers who want to self-host behind our platform)

October 12, 2020

- Improvements in the compatibility of the IntegrationAPI (upload of presentations etc.)

October 10, 2020

- Existing conferences can now be edited as long as they have not yet started - Graphical overview for the customer administrator of how much of the booked subscription has been used in the last 14 days and will be used in the next 14 days according to the current status (customer settings > conference list).

October 09, 2020

Major platform update:- Recordings can now be downloaded as .mp4 files. - Platform is now fully multilingual. German and English (further languages are still to come) - Presentations can also be uploaded in advance of each conference. - A separate default presentation can be set for each customer account. (Customer settings > Branding) - Platform stability improvements - Detail changes with many small new functions

September 18, 2020

This version improves data protection and stability.

August 17, 2020

Launch of our partner portal for system houses and other resellers. Do you have customers who need a video conferencing solution and are you able to provide them with first-level support? Become a partner and benefit from commissions and special management functions in our system.

August 10, 2020

- Color of the branding setting is now also visible as a color within the conference. - Moderators can now enter conferences 15 instead of 5 minutes before the start of the conference (preparation time). - A duration can now also be specified for quick connect conferences (room properties). - Various bug fixes and platform improvements

August 9, 2020

Big platform update: The System API goes online. In addition to the already existing IntegrationAPI, with the SystemAPI you can now really programmatically use all platform functions with us.

July 28, 2020

We have greatly improved our standard ADV contract with the help of several data protection experts. Can be completed directly online.

July 19, 2020

Major update of the platform:direct debit can now be used as a payment method and is now the recommended payment method. Direct debit payers can use the system immediately and upgrade /downgrade their subscription directly online at any time.

Furthermore: Many small detail improvements and bug fixes in many places in the system.

July 05, 2020

Integration API: Greatly improved compatibility of the connection to NextCloud, Wordpress and Ilias systems

July 02, 2020

Data protection: Our TURN servers are now also completely deleted after 24 hours at the latest.

June 28, 2020

PayPal connection improved

June 25, 2020

Major update of the server structure:- We have massively increased our conference server capacities. - We have massively increased our capacities in the area of TURN servers (bypassing firewalls). - We have massively increased our capacities in the area of telephone dial-in infrastructure.

Also new:- Customer administrators can see the conference overview of all their co-users in order to be able to estimate quota usage (+/- 14 days).

June 11, 2020

- Branding: Customer logo can now also be seen within the conference (on the presentation).

June 07, 2020

- ADV contracts can now be concluded with us directly online on the platform.

June 06, 2020

- Branding options greatly improved: The colors of the join conference screen can now also be adjusted. Improved logo upload with crop function.

June 05, 2020

- Introduced quick conferences for each conference room with persistent links.

May 29, 2020

- Conference recordings can now be generally prohibited by the customer administrator (e.g. for schools)

May 27, 2020

- Telephone connection: dialing into conferences by telephone is now possible. - After further quality and load tests: increase of the maximum possible participants per conference from 50 to 100.

May 23, 2020

- Conference creation wizard simplified and made easier to use.

May 19, 2020

- Server load balancing system greatly improved. - Servers are now replaced every 24 hours and the old video conference servers are destroyed.

May 18, 2020

- Released first version of branding options: logo on join conference screen

May 17, 2020

- "Integration API" published: is now 100% compatible with the BigBlueButton API. Moodle and any other software that can integrate BigBlueButton can now also integrate

May 14, 2020

- Support for function: "Ask moderators if guests want to join a conference" - Trial version: Use a 5-pack for 2 hours

May 12, 2020

- Improved interception of outdated browsers

May 11, 2020

- Release of the platform